My favourite books are fantasy books. I was a huge fan of it as a child most likely because I was looking for similar books to Harry Potter, and I continue to read lots of fantasy today. There’s a lot to love about it. Here five reasons you should check it out.
1. Explore your imagination
Fantasy encourages imagination. It’s the same for science fiction, however science fiction is still rooted in the real world. Even if it transports you to a totally other world however, the logic of this world is exactly the same as ours. The best modern fantasy books allow for everything to be created, giving the creator full control and freedom of imagination. There are no limits, other than those created by the author.
“It’s been stated that fantasy and science fiction are distinct things”science fiction is the impossible made possible while fantasy is the impossible realized as probable.” — Rod Serling (The Twilight Zone, “The Fugitive”)
Things that are imaginative can be amazing and thrilling, particularly when they’re not what you could have imagined for yourself. Fantasy lets you look into the world of others, and, consequently, into their minds.
In addition, imagination can create fantasies however, it also aids to develop problem-solving capabilities. Our society and the technology is evolving quickly, but there are still challenges we must deal with and new challenges that arise due to our way of life and influence our surroundings. Inspiring people to think outside the box, they tackle problems by using their imagination and to come up with new solutions.
2. Escape reality
I’m sure that most people have heard about the concept of escapism. The most effective method of escape from reality is to go into a world of fantasies. Based on the subgenre, you will find stories that contain just a few elements that are fantastical, or tales with a completely fantastical setting.
“I have said that Escape is among the major purposes of fairy-tales and because I don’t disapprove of them, it’s clear that I do not believe in the attitude of ridicule or pity in which the word Escape is often employed. What is the reason a person should be slammed if, upon having been imprisoned, he attempts to escape and get home? If he is unable to do that, he thinks and speaks about different topics that aren’t prison walls or jailers?” – J.R.R. Tolkien
I don’t see any reason not to escape into the pages of a book. This doesn’t mean that you cannot confront reality or that you’d prefer have a different life than your own. Escapism helps you let go of your troubles while dealing with another’s, giving you to be free from stress and stress. Also, it lets you enjoy experiences that you could never have live through as well, which means it includes an element of fulfillment of a wish.
3. Comprehend reality
“Fantasy isn’t a way of escaping from reality. It’s a method of understanding it.” Lloyd Alexander. Lloyd Alexander
I refer to fantasy as a method to escape reality. However, it also aids us in understanding reality.
The most compelling fantasy stories contain symbolic parallels between reality and fantasy, and allow us to understand the what happens in the real world through a fantasy lens. Through the use of fantasy, we are able to tackle real-life problems in a way which isn’t as affecting on our lives, and consequently isn’t as terrifying or overwhelming. We can look at and analyze the issues discussed in stories , and apply what we have learned to our personal lives. For instance, a story in fantasy could look at the implications of living under oppression of a corrupt state or the way to maximize collaboration to achieve goals, or face things that make you uncomfortable or identify the need for assistance.
4. Empathy
Many of the ways that we perceive reality through fiction are investigated through characterisation and development. The more relatable an individual’s experiences are, the more the reader will be hoping that they will be successful. This doesn’t mean that characters shouldn’t fly about on dragons. But their fear of heights and the thrill they feel after they’ve become accustomed to flying are what makes them easily relatable. The emotions are what draw readers to the stories. Dragons aren’t. They’ll assist in making the story thrilling but they’re not the thing that draws readers’ hearts. It’s not unless the dragon is suffering, or is missing one of its victims, or happy to be freed. The fantastical elements are the basis from which emotions are generated.
Sometimes, we aren’t able to examine all of our emotions in the real world however we can in another. Fantasy explores healthy ways to deal with emotions, both our own and those of others. Fantasy characters are seen in all kinds of circumstances and are encouraged to connect to their emotions, we are more sympathetic to their struggles. Fantasy inspires you to be concerned about people who are in different circumstances to you since behind all the fantasy and dragons and make-believe , fantasy is about human beings.
“You cannot truly understand an individual until you think about things from his perspective… up until you step inside his skin and move through it.” — Harper Lee (To Kill a Mockingbird)
5. Hope
Sometimes, reality can overwhelm you with the plethora of negative events all around us. Fantasy provides hope, particularly during difficult times. If a character is able to travel the globe, through the deserts, frozen mountains and deserts to save the world and you’re able to get through your exam next time! Fantasy can teach us that things can improve and that even through the valleys and ups, there is always the possibility of a brighter future. It helps us dream large. It shows us that we are more capable than we imagine. It also teaches us that the ability to transform our world is in us.
“The world is full of dangers and there exist many places of darkness, yet there’s a lot that is good and, even although in all places there is a fusion of love and sadness, it may grow to be to the higher.” — J.R.R. Tolkien (The The Fellowship of the Ring)
The people who don’t like reading fantasy often look down upon it and do not consider it to be an educational. I disagree with them, as there are many more lessons to be learned that what you learned in schools, or the things you can discover in the classic. Fantasy novels teach life lessons that would take a lot of time to master from your own experiences. As you learn from real-life individuals, so do you learn from the characters.
I believe that everyone should read any book they like to. My tastes in reading vary but I still consider fantasy to be my favorite. I don’t think there’s any good books or ones to read since everybody has their own personal opinion. The book you don’t like could be inspiring and cherished by another person. I’ve read books I’ve thought were excellent and others I’ve thought were bad However, I’m not sure there’s ever been a single book I haven’t learned something from.