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What is a sunbed session?

How often is it appropriate to make use of the sunbed?

Skin type 1 sufferers or less; children younger than 18 and those taking certain medications that can trigger photosensitivity; and people who have an previous history of skin cancer within their families should not apply sunblock in any way. Moderately tanning for 2-3 hours per week is acceptable for everyone else, but make sure that you put off your skin for at least 24 hours in between sessions and at least 48 hours if you have skin type 2. According to the European Standard advises not to more than 60 sessions per year.

What is a sunbed experience?

A sunbed is the amount of time required to achieve the individual’s MED (minimal erythemal dosage). This is the time before overexposure and burning that should be kept away from. An experience will depend on the kind of sunbed that is employed, the type of skin of the person who uses it, as well as the point of development of their tanning. Don’t sunbathe outdoors the day you have a sunbed.

Why won’t some sunbed salons allow me use their sunbeds for more extended sessions?
It all depends on the type of sunbed provided. The output and power may differ significantly between sunbeds. An experienced sunbed operator will guide you on the right duration of the session, based on sunbed, skin type , and the level of tan.

A new rule has been issued that requires all sunbeds be able to emit a maximum radiation level of 0.3W/m2 which means that the duration of a session must be extended to reach the same level of radiation.

Does there exist a connection with UV sun exposure and cancer of the skin?

There are two kinds of skin cancers – non-melanoma that are usually easily treated. The other is malignant melanoma If not treated in time, could be fatal.

There is evidence to suggest sunburn and excessive exposure to UV as being among the potential risk factors to getting skin cancer. Therefore, it is evident that avoiding melanomas could be improved by limiting exposure to UV especially for children.

Malignant melanoma has been found to be more prevalent in areas of the body that are not typically exposed to sunlight. This suggests that it’s those parts which are subject to frequent, high levels of UV radiation that are at risk and UV exposure isn’t the only reason.

The controlled exposure to UV whether in the sun or on sunbeds is essential to avoid excessive exposure and sunburn.

For sunbed hire Doncaster, get in touch with our team.

What are the advantages of having a sunbed?

Sunbeds provide a safe and controlled method to tan , and provide adequate levels of UV that ensure sufficient quantities of Vitamin D are achieved and kept (see the section of Vitamin D for more on this topic).

When you are exposed to sunlight, your body is exposed to various levels of UV radiation dependent on the daytime, the location around the globe, month of the year, and the list goes on. When using sunbeds it is possible for a tanning plan to be created to ensure that the your skin’s type, as well as the kind of sunbed used are considered to ensure that excessive exposure, which could lead to the possibility for burning is not averted.

Does it really exist no way to get a safe tanning session?

No. Tanniny skin is a protection against sunburn, believed to be the primary reason for Melanoma. If you can avoid sunburn by sunburn, the benefits of moderate exposure to sun (see Vitamin D section) will outweigh any potential risks.

Is unprotected sun exposure unhealthy?

While precautions must be taken, consistent moderate amounts of UV exposure that is not protected is essential for healthy health. Independent research has proven that regardless of whether you reside somewhere in the sun or not so sunny environment, if you expose yourself to the sun and the subsequent increase in output of Vitamin D can reduce the risk of developing a range of deadly and debilitating illnesses like breast, colon prostate, ovarian and prostate cancer as well as heart disease as well as high blood pressure Type 1 diabetes MS, depression and more.

Are sunbeds only for tanning?

If you do not have the time to get out in the sun, or would prefer more of a private and controlled space indoor tanning is an alternative to the natural sun for stimulating the creation of Vitamin D. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the radiation you’re exposed to in the tanning salons in indoors is exactly the same as the one you receive when you are in sunlight. This means that you must be aware of the same safety precautions you would in sunlight.